Flotsam Too - Washed Up

Teignmouth seafront
A beautiful week gazing seaward from the ample windows of The Beachcomber in Teignmouth. For this show six artists and makers took over the space as the final show for TAAG's occupancy of the building before it turns back into a cafe. 
The Beachcomber Flotsam TooDaniel Richardson at The Beachcomber teignmouthhazel Dormer paintings
Hazel Dormer's boat paintings, Daniel Richardson's urns and pots, harbour acrylics by Jonathan Mulvaney.
Robin Shelton pebble ring Anthony Wong necklace Shoal, Alison Shelton Brown
Robin Shelton displayed jewellery created from pieces found along the shoreline, and I was pleased to re-install 'Shoal' in a new setting - it evolves each time.
We were delighted to have Anthony Wong join us from Liverpool for the week to continue his installation work in-situ, including the 'shadow' piece above.


Not having electricity in the building created a unique setting to show artworks. It is true that the huge windows helped running down both sides of the building, but what intrigued me was observing how as the sun moved westwards during the day different shadows and highlights lit the space and objects, spotlighting various areas and objects for a while and then passing on and throwing its gaze on something else. This is something I'd like to explore further in another show in the future.

wire shadows alison Shelton brown
Thank you to all the visitors that stopped by during the week and the lovely conversations that have stayed with us. 
Thank you also to Lola for meeting and greeting everyone who climbed up the steps.
Lola at the Beachcomber Teignmouth
or maybe she was just vetting them for money and treats!

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